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  • 35 Steps


One of the most powerful things that we can do for our healing is to dedicate time and energy to fully embody the work that we are doing to evolve. Ritual is a perfect way to do this. They can be complex, using herbs, and incantations, or they can be simple, like lighting a single candle. There are rituals throughout my book, HOT MESS EMPRESS, which are offered here to you, Sweetness. You will be guided through videos of each of the nine rituals, with love and tenderness. Included, a PDF workbook with prompts to deepen your healing experience, Each ritual will ask for a few supplies, but feel free to improvise, use what you have on hand or what feels intuitively best for you. ~ Ritual One - The Shadow Love Ritual ~ Ritual Two - The Receiving Ritual ~ Ritual Three - The Shadow Work Ritual ~ Ritual Four - The Inner Child Ritual ~ Ritual Five - The Emotional Integration Ritual ~ Ritual Six - The Boundary Ritual ~ Ritual Seven - The Empress Ritual ~ Ritual Eight - The Body Love Ritual ~ Ritual Nine - The Rose Ritual You are invited to take your time with each ritual, working through them, and moving onto the next only when you feel completely ready to do so. While these rituals are an accompaniment to the book, HOT MESS EMPRESS it is not required in order to benefit from these practices. My wish for you, Lovely, is that these rituals offer you support, hope, and wrap you up, like a Granny-made quilt offering comfort and love when you need it most. With Infinite Love & Magick, Krystal Jannelle (she/her)

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